086: Coaching in a Team vs Coaching an Individual Athlete – Is there a difference?

Is coaching as part of a team or coaching an individual different? And as an athlete, is competing as an individual or in a team different?

Yes and No.

The reason I say yes and no is because the ethos I have as a mental performance coach, and has worked really well for athletes and coaches and teams over these years, is:

The best version of you, everybody benefits from.

In this podcast episode, we talk about the building blocks of both a team and an individual athlete, including:

  • the importance of identifying the ‘how’ – both individual athletes and teams – do they perform their tasks, prepare, and communicate. 
  • creating a picture of what ‘theoretical best’ looks like to us, that will then fit into our bigger plan.
  • course correction strategies – what to do if something goes off track and how to recalibrate and bring it back on track.

And the two critical components that coaches need to understand in how they coach a team and how they coach an individual.

Performance DNA download

And if you would like to work through this episode alongside me and discover more about ‘how’ you do what you do, here is the link to download the Performance DNA – for both athletes and coaches.

Grab the Free 'Build an Effective Team' Playlist:

If you'd like to hear more podcasts for athletes and coaches specifically around building effective teams, especially for those in a leadership team, we have put them into a handy playlist for you. Simply go to: https://www.smartmind.com/team – your on-the-go playlist will be sent straight to you.


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