8 of the most effective mental preparation tools on the planet
In this course, we will unpack:
What Visualisation is, how it works on your brain and why it can be instrumental in building consistent performance.
We will dig deep into the science behind:-
1: Disassociated Visualisation, the building of a robust mental performance Framework
2: Associated Visualisation, the glue that holds that performance framework together in any situation
3: Pattern Visualisation, the most "human" way to embed patterns and triggers into your trusted subconscious
4: Point to Point Visualisation, the connecting strategy that takes multiple skills and creates a consistent performance flow
5: Technical Visualisation, the technique that sorts the triggers from the noise and simplifies things,
6: Hyper Visualisation, the confirmation that you know what you need to know,
7: KeyPoint Visualisation, our opportunity to rewrite history, reprogram the pattern and learn from our mistakes, to be better and stronger moving forward
8: Mental Imagery, that "What If" voice answered and those anxious moments dealt with long before they can impact our performance.
Don't let your competitors get inside your head, take ownership of your own mental preparation and platform.